Friday, April 26, 2013

Time Flies

Well, I already back to campus for about one weeks.
I was just busy for assignments and practices.
The assignment was much than I expected
The assignment was rushing me all the time
To be honest, I still left about 10 assignment to hand on May
The university life is so hectic but I enjoyed it.
I knew I will not having such time after 2 years.
Somehow, I felt that time flies very fast
The happening during orientation was still so bright and clear
Yet Im going to semester 5 very soon.
UUM is not my ideal university but it created a lot of awesome memories to me.

Recently is election fever
My facebook, newspaper and also twitter was full of election news.
Each party was insulting the other one with same issues.
Sometime, I would like to say it is annoying.
Why they dont just do the things which favour other people.
Stop nonsense insulting and show your achievement
There is no point keep insulting
We would like to see what you can do and what you had did instead of seeing how well you all insulting
I will going to have very first vote for my nation
This is a better way to show my nationhood compare to study those ridiculous Malaysia Nationhood.
For me, I really dont know what contribution candidates had made to my area.
But, I have my own answer what parties should I vote.
It is sensitive to reveal but I would say I support 2 parties in the parlimen instead of 1 party monopolized it

Final exam is in the corner
It is about 35 days and it will be my first paper and I will finish my exam after my first exam.
I was quite worried on it as the time was kind pack
I would likely to prepare my exam earlier in order able to catch up with the schedule

There was a fire drill yesterday.
However I did not entertain them.
Their request was quite odd and weirdo
They were asking us to change a manner wear before we have to run out the room and escape
It is just like you take off the pants to fart.
Wondering if it is happening, do you have the time to do so or not.

Last topic of the blog
I feel damn guilty on what I had done recently
I knew it is not good but I feel like addicted.
I was keep asking for more but I do not know how can I stop it.
Ishh, anyone would like to help me??
I feel like myself was so wrong with such actions.

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