Went window shop with qx
Damn gay to shop with him yet fun
Both of us did not break the promise
We just only window shop without buying anything beside singlet that I initially want to buy
I just went to every shop and tried.
The most funniest things was I tried a girls pants and I do not the know it
I just realized it today
I think the salesman and his colleague will laugh till OMG after i left the shop
Whatever, they dont know me
Ignore and dont know what happening haha
While just now window shop again with kevin and hh
We met an unethical promoter
As HH wanna buy a jacket for taiwan trip
End up the promoter said now taiwan was around 5'C
Then intro this product that product
I know you not enough sales
But dont you think people willing to buy things with you if this happen once again?
Shame on you..
By the way the promoter is from Gurney Plaza - Winter Time
I should end here and go to bed.
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